CLIQUE Poses at the Pacific Crisis Fundraiser

CLIQUE is participating in the Pacific Crisis Fundraiser.

We made a set of hugs, two- and three-person, for 300L that goes to the charity. The set comes with linked poseballs for the hugs (5 total) and individual poses along with an empty poseball so you can make your own arrangement if you like. One of the things we wanted to do was make it so you could turn the three-person hug into a five-person hug, so the hugs are easily adjustable.

You can find it at the PCF Fundraiser:

CLIQUE Poses for Disco Deals!

I tried my hand at my first pose prop this week! I wanted to do something fun and summery, since it’s absolutely freezing in my neck of the woods. I made a beach ball with pinup poses, inspired by the iconic pinups of the 1940’s. It’s out at Disco Deals for only 75L this weekend only!

Click here for Disco Deals SLurl!

CLIQUE at Disco Deals

Clique was invited to participate in Disco Deals. Yay! I made TWO new pose sets:


They’re on sale for over half-off at Disco Deals and only till Sunday, so pick them up!

TP to Disco Deals

Clique is Open!

There are a lot of amazing pose stores in Second Life, but few are targeted directly to bloggers and artists. I’ve been a fashion blogger for over three years now, and many times I’ve found myself making a pose for a specific outfit myself instead of using an already-bought pose. It may be because the prims on the outfit are awkward, or I need a certain mood or movement, but I found myself making more and more poses. That’s when I decided to open Clique, a pose store just for SL’ers who dabble in digital media.

Clique poses are designed with the needs of Second Life bloggers and artists in mind. I strive to make poses that are interesting from different angles and look good in multiple light settings.

Clique poses are also made for a variety of avatar sizes, so if you have a fuller figure or just want a pose to fit with bulkier clothes, you don’t have to look far. Curvy versions are available in the store and are included free in pose packs.

I’m happy to adjust your poses for you if they don’t fit, mirror a pose, or make any custom poses you might need. Just drop a notecard on me in-world and I’ll take care of it for you.

A big mainstore is currently being built, but Clique is open right now at Oh, My Stars!

Here are some of the poses currently available, both as single poses and sets: